Simple Phone Conversation in English: Read and Practice

Read the following simple phone conversation in English. Then take the quiz and check your answers using the answer key. 

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Simple Phone Conversation in English

Simple Phone Conversation in English

Steve: Hey, what's up, Emily?

Emily: Hey, not much, just finished my day at work. How was your day?

Steve: Oh man, it was pretty hectic. I had back-to-back meetings all day. But it's finally over now.

Emily: Yeah, I know how that feels. So, how did your meetings go?

Steve: They were okay, but nothing too exciting. Just a lot of talking and planning. I hope next week we will get some real work done.

Emily: I hear you. My day was pretty slow, to be honest. Just a lot of paperwork and emails.

Steve: Ugh, paperwork is the worst. I had to fill out some forms earlier and it took me forever.

Emily: Yeah, it's a necessary evil, I guess. But hey, at least we're done for the day now.

Steve: That's true. So, what do you have planned for the rest of the evening?

Emily: Well, I was thinking of going to the gym and then maybe grabbing dinner with some friends. How does that sound?

Steve: Actually, I was planning on cooking dinner tonight. I found this recipe online for spicy shrimp pasta and I've been dying to try it out.

Emily: That sounds amazing! You'll have to let me know how it turns out.

Steve: Definitely will. And if it's terrible, we can always order pizza instead.

Emily: Haha, fair enough. Alright, well, I gotta go get changed for the gym. I'll catch you later.

Steve: Sounds good. Have a good workout!


Vocabulary and Collocation Questions

1. ______________ your day?
A) How has 
B) How good was
C) How was
D) Did you like

2. It is a ______________ evil.

A) necessary
B) required
C) obtained
D) developing

3. It took me ______________ to fill out some forms earlier.

A) for good
B) forever
C) for ever
D) always

4. Yeah, I ______________ you.

A) hear
B) listen to
C) see
D) smell

5. I was thinking of ______________ dinner with some friends.

A) catching
B) finding
C) taking
D) grabbing

Comprehension Questions

1. What did Emily just finish doing?
A) Going to the gym
B) A day at work
C) Cooking dinner
D) Filling out forms

2. How was Steve's day?
A) Slow and boring
B) Hectic with back-to-back meetings
C) Exciting with lots of real work done
D) Filled with paperwork and emails

3. What did Steve have to do earlier?
A) Go to the gym
B) Fill out forms
C) Cook dinner
D) Order pizza

4. What is Emily planning to do for the rest of the evening?
A) Cook dinner
B) Watch a movie
C) Go to the gym and grab dinner with friends
D) Fill out paperwork

5. What recipe is Steve planning on trying out?
A) Spicy shrimp pasta
B) Pizza
C) Steak and potatoes
D) Caesar salad


Grammar Questions

Correct the Grammar Errors Instructions: Read the following conversation and identify the grammar errors. Correct the errors and rewrite the sentences with proper grammar.

1. How did your meetings went?


2. Have good workout!


3. I hope next week we will get some really work done.


4. What do you have planed for the rest of the evening?


5. You'll must to let me know how it turns out.



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Answer Key

Vocabulary and Collocation Questions

1. __________ your day?
C) How was

2. It is a __________ evil.
A) necessary

3. It took me __________ to fill out some forms earlier.
B) forever

4. Yeah, I __________ you.
A) hear

5. I was thinking of __________ dinner with some friends.
D) grabbing

Comprehension Questions

1. What did Emily just finish doing?
D) Filling out forms

2. How was Steve's day?
B) Hectic with back-to-back meetings

3. What did Steve have to do earlier?
B) Fill out forms

4. What is Emily planning to do for the rest of the evening?
C) Go to the gym and grab dinner with friends

5. What recipe is Steve planning on trying out?
A) Spicy shrimp pasta


1. How did your meetings go?

2. Have a good workout!

3. I hope next week we will get some real work done.

4. What do you have planned for the rest of the evening?

5. You'll have to let me know how it turns out.