Halloween Vocabulary Worksheet for English Learners
Use this fun worksheet to help your English learners practice their Halloween vocabulary. They will match each word to the correct definition, and then they can use the words in a sentence. This is a great way to help them build their vocabulary and prepare for Halloween.
Halloween is a fun holiday that is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a time to dress up in costumes, go trick-or-treating, and read scary stories. English learners may not be familiar with all of the words associated with this holiday, so this worksheet will help them learn some new vocabulary.
Halloween Word List
Halloween Vocabulary Worksheet Part 1
Match each word to the correct definition. (Write the correct letter in the blank.)
Word List Group:
(1) pumpkin _____ (2) jack-o’-lantern _____ (3) costume _____
(4) mask _____ (5) party _____ (6) trick or treat _____
(7) candy _____ (8) decorations _____ (9) spider _____
(10) web _____ (11) bat _____ (12) witch _____
(13) broomstick _____ (14) ghost _____ (15) black cat _____
(16) zombie _____ (17) coffin _____ (18) graveyard _____
(19) skeleton _____ (20) monster _____ (21) haunted house _____
Definition Group:
A. a small, black animal with wings.
B. special clothes that you wear for a holiday or for a play that make you look like someone or something else.
C. a hard, orange vegetable.
D. a fun event where people eat, drink, and have fun together.
E. a spirit of a person who died.
F. the bones of a person or animal.
G. a creature that is big and scary.
H. a sweet food made from sugar.
I. a pumpkin that looks like a face and has a candle inside it.
J. a mean, old woman in stories with magical powers.
K. a long, thin stick that is used to sweep the floor. Witches in stories sometimes ride on them!
L. a cat with black fur. In stories, witches often have them as pets.
M. a small creature that makes a web.
N. a Halloween activity where children dress up and go to houses in their neighborhood to ask for candy. (If they don’t get any candy, they might play a trick on the person who lives there!)
O. something you wear that hides your face or makes your face look different.
P. a net that a spider makes.
Q. things that make a place look more beautiful or special.
R. a dead person who comes back to life by magic.
S. a house where ghosts live.
T. a place where people are buried after they die.
U. a big box that people are buried in.
Halloween Vocabulary Worksheet Part 2
Use the words from the Halloween vocabulary list in sentences.
1. I am going to cut a _____________ into a _____________.
2. I am going to wear a _____________ to the Halloween _____________.
3. I am going to put on a _____________ so that nobody will recognize me.
4. We are going to put up some Halloween _____________.
5. There is a spider _____________ in the corner of the old room. But the _____________ is nowhere to be seen.
6. I saw a _____________ flying in the night sky.
7. The _____________ is riding on her _____________.
8. The _____________ is haunting the old house.
9. A _____________ crossed my path.
10. The _____________ is coming after me!
11. This _____________ is empty! Where is the body?
12. The _____________ can be a scary place at night.
13. There is a _____________ dancing in the moonlight.
14. The ugly _____________ is coming to get you!
15. I keep hearing strange noises. This is a _____________!
16. _____________! Can we have some _____________, please?
Halloween Vocabulary Worksheet Part 3
Look at each picture and choose the correct spelling of the word. Then, use the word in a sentence.
1. Which spelling is correct?
A. skaeloton
B. skeleton
C. skeletone
Example sentence:

2. Which spelling is correct?
A. wab
B. weeb
C. web
Example sentence:
3. Which spelling is correct?
A. bat
B. batt
C. bta
Example sentence:
4. Which spelling is correct?
A. jack-o’-lantern
B. jack-o-latern
C. jakc-o’-lanturn
Example sentence:
5. Which spelling is correct?
A. candi
B. kandy
C. candy
Example sentence:
6. Which spelling is correct?
A. musk
B. mask
C. mosk
Example sentence:
7. Which spelling is correct?
A. parthi
B. party
C. pardy
Example sentence:
8. Which spelling is correct?
A. zombi
B. zombey
C. zombie
Example sentence:
9. Which spelling is correct?
A. spyder
B. spider
C. spieeder
Example sentence:
10. Which spelling is correct?
A. black cat
B. blach cat
C. blak cat
Example sentence:
11. Which spelling is correct?
A. haunted house
B. hanted house
C. huanted house
Example sentence:
12. Which spelling is correct?
A. decerations
B. desecrations
C. decorations
Example sentence:
13. Which spelling is correct?
A. graveyard
B. grayveyard
C. graveyerd
Example sentence:
14. Which spelling is correct?
A. trick or triet
B. trick or treat
C. trick or trit
Example sentence:
15. Which spelling is correct?
A. custome
B. coustome
C. costume
Example sentence:
16. Which spelling is correct?
A. coffin
B. coffeen
C. coffan
Example sentence:
17. Which spelling is correct?
A. brumstick
B. bromstic
C. broomstick
Example sentence:
18. Which spelling is correct?
A. pumkin
B. pumpkin
C. pompkin
Example sentence:
19. Which spelling is correct?
A. wich
B. which
C. witch
Example sentence:
20. Which spelling is correct?
A. gost
B. ghost
C. ghoust
Example sentence:
21. Which spelling is correct?
A. monster
B. monstor
C. mounster
Example sentence:
Halloween Vocabulary Worksheet Part 4
Unscramble each word to fix the word spelling.
1. yadnc => _______________
2. ucestmo => _______________
3. egrdvyara => _______________
4. tapry => _______________
5. comstibork => _______________
6. izobem => _______________
7. ahudent ehosu => _______________
8. uppknim => _______________
9. mska => _______________
10. cakj-o’-ternlan => _______________
11. tikrc ro terat => _______________
12. isecodraton => _______________
13. tgosh => _______________
14. fconfi => _______________
15. prides => _______________
16. bta => _______________
17. wciht => _______________
18. enletosk => _______________
19. romnste => _______________
20. kalcb tac => _______________
21. wbe => _______________
22. tba => _______________
Answer Key
Halloween Vocabulary Worksheet Part 1
1. pumpkin => C. a hard, orange vegetable.
2. jack-o’-lantern => I. a pumpkin that looks like a face and has a candle inside it.
3. costume => B. special clothes that you wear for a holiday or for a play that make you look like someone or something else.
4. mask => O. something you wear that hides your face or makes your face look different.
5. party => D. a fun event where people eat, drink, and have fun together.
6. trick or treat => N. a Halloween activity where children dress up and go to houses in their neighborhood to ask for candy. (If they don’t get any candy, they might play a trick on the person who lives there!)
7. candy => H. a sweet food made from sugar.
8. decorations => Q. things that make a place look more beautiful or special.
9. spider => M. a small creature that makes a web.
10. web => P. a net that a spider makes.
11. bat => A. a small, black animal with wings.
12. witch => J. a mean, old woman in stories with magical powers.
13. broomstick => K. a long, thin stick that is used to sweep the floor. Witches in stories sometimes ride on them!
14. ghost => E. a spirit of a person who died.
15. black cat => L. a cat with black fur. In stories, witches often have them as pets.
16. zombie => R. a dead person who comes back to life by magic.
17. coffin => U. a big box that people are buried in.
18. graveyard => T. a place where people are buried after they die.
19. skeleton => F. the bones of a person or animal.
20. monster => G. a creature that is big and scary.
21. haunted house => S. a house where ghosts live.
Halloween Vocabulary Worksheet Part 2
1. I am going to cut a pumpkin into a jack-o’-lantern.
2. I am going to wear a costume to the Halloween party.
3. I am going to put on a mask so that nobody will recognize me.
4. We are going to put up some Halloween decorations.
5. There is a spider web in the corner of the old room. But the spider is nowhere to be seen.
6. I saw a bat flying in the night sky.
7. The witch is riding on her broomstick.
8. The ghost is haunting the old house.
9. A black cat crossed my path.
10. The zombie is coming after me!
11. This coffin is empty! Where is the body?
12. The graveyard can be a scary place at night.
13. There is a skeleton dancing in the moonlight.
14. The ugly monster is coming to get you!
15. I keep hearing strange noises. This is a haunted house!
16. Trick or treat! Can we have some candy, please?
Halloween Vocabulary Worksheet Part 3
1. Which spelling is correct?
B. skeleton
2. Which spelling is correct?
C. web
3. Which spelling is correct?
A. bat
4. Which spelling is correct?
A. jack-o’-lantern
5. Which spelling is correct?
C. candy
6. Which spelling is correct?
B. mask
7. Which spelling is correct?
B. party
8. Which spelling is correct?
C. zombie
9. Which spelling is correct?
B. spider
10. Which spelling is correct?
A. black cat
11. Which spelling is correct?
A. haunted house
12. Which spelling is correct?
C. decorations
13. Which spelling is correct?
A. graveyard
14. Which spelling is correct?
B. trick or treat
15. Which spelling is correct?
C. costume
16. Which spelling is correct?
A. coffin
17. Which spelling is correct?
C. broomstick
18. Which spelling is correct?
B. pumpkin
19. Which spelling is correct?
C. witch
20. Which spelling is correct?
B. ghost
21. Which spelling is correct?
A. monster
Halloween Vocabulary Worksheet Part 4
1. yadnc => candy
2. ucestmo => costume
3. egrdvyara => graveyard
4. tapry => party
5. comstibork => broomstick
6. izobem => zombie
7. ahudent ehosu => haunted house
8. uppknim => pumpkin
9. mska => mask
10. cakj-o’-ternlan => jack-o’-lantern
11. tikrc ro terat => trick or treat
12. isecodraton => decorations
13. tgosh => ghost
14. fconfi => coffin
15. prides => spider
16. bta => bat
17. wciht => witch
18. enletosk => skeleton
19. romnste => monster
20. kalcb tac => black cat
21. wbe => web
22. tba => bat