Enunciation (Pronouncing Fully)
Some students are lucky and get lots of opportunities to practice their spoken English, and others need to look for other chances to speak. Having conversations in English can be challenging for many reasons. Many students and teachers remember to work on pronunciation, but enunciation is just as important to keep in mind!
Enunciation means fully and distinctly pronouncing all of the sounds in words and sentences. Sometimes English learners get a bit nervous and this makes them speak too fast or mumble, mispronouncing their words.
This is very difficult for a conversation partner to understand. Have you ever had to ask a native speaker to slow down so that you can understand them? It is just as important for you to pronounce all of your words clearly so that other people can understand you.
Especially if you tend to speak quickly, you should work hard on your enunciation. One good way to check how you are doing is to ask your teacher and your classmates. Do they ever have trouble understanding you because you talk too quickly or because your words all run together?
Next, get some good stories and read them out loud to yourself. If you can, use a computer or a voice recorder to record yourself. As you listen, you will hear when you are not speaking clearly. Practice speaking slowly and pronouncing all the sounds in each word as you read aloud.
You will really improve your speaking skills just by enunciating clearly!
Enunciation means fully and distinctly pronouncing all of the sounds in words and sentences. Sometimes English learners get a bit nervous and this makes them speak too fast or mumble, mispronouncing their words.
This is very difficult for a conversation partner to understand. Have you ever had to ask a native speaker to slow down so that you can understand them? It is just as important for you to pronounce all of your words clearly so that other people can understand you.
Especially if you tend to speak quickly, you should work hard on your enunciation. One good way to check how you are doing is to ask your teacher and your classmates. Do they ever have trouble understanding you because you talk too quickly or because your words all run together?
Next, get some good stories and read them out loud to yourself. If you can, use a computer or a voice recorder to record yourself. As you listen, you will hear when you are not speaking clearly. Practice speaking slowly and pronouncing all the sounds in each word as you read aloud.
You will really improve your speaking skills just by enunciating clearly!