Stories and Exercises to Practice the Perfect Progressive Tenses
By Really Learn English (eBook Format)
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A series of illustrated stories and exercises to practice the perfect progressive tenses:
- Stories and Exercises to Practice the Present Perfect Progressive (76 pages)
- Stories and Exercises to Practice the Past Perfect Progressive (87 pages)
- Stories and Exercises to Practice the Future Perfect Progressive (84 pages)
- Stories and Exercises to Practice All the Perfect Progressive Tenses Mixed (69 pages)
- Practice Speaking English with English Grammar Dialogues for the Perfect Progressive Tenses (46 pages)
- Perfect vs. Perfect Progressive Comparison Book (48 pages)
All stories and activities are written mainly using the perfect progressive tenses. That way the student and teacher can concentrate on reading and practicing one main tense at a time.
Resources include: step-by-step explanations, rules, examples, short stories, exercises, and answer books.
The materials can serve as: lesson plans, homework, class and role play activities, tests and quizzes.
Your students will practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening, while building their vocabulary and grammar skills.
Please note all materials are delivered in digital form. This means you can download and print them.
These are unique teaching tools you will find nowhere else.
Download a free sample chapter:
(You can get this product as part of the Step-by-Step Rules, Stories and Exercises to Practice ALL English Tenses collection.)
Stories and Exercises to Practice the Perfect Progressive Tenses (Perfect Continuous Tenses)
Unique Teaching Tools You Will Find Nowhere Else
Digital Books. Instant Download. Use Them with All Your Students.

The Perfect Progressive Tenses Series is a unique series of six books.
It contains a book for each perfect progressive tense, a book for all the perfect progressive tenses mixed, and two additional bonuses: a dialogues book for speech practice of these tenses, and a complete comparison book titled "Perfect vs. Perfect Progressive".
Book Number 1:
Present Perfect Progressive Stories and Exercises

76 pages of rules, useful tables, stories, and exercises for the present perfect progressive tense.
This unique book contains:
- Present perfect progressive rules and tables (positive sentences, negative sentences, questions, special verbs, and correct usage).
- Present perfect progressive grammar exercises to practice correct usage and when to use this tense.
- Present perfect progressive rules exercises to practice correct sentence structure as well as correct verb spelling.
- Five special short stories with illustrations, written mainly in the present perfect progressive tense.
That way the student and teacher can concentrate on reading and practicing this tense specifically. - Special exercises before and after every story to practice story vocabulary, sentence structure, present perfect progressive grammar rules, comprehension, and writing skills.
- Everything is delivered using a special step-by-step approach for maximum teaching results.
As with the rest of the books, this book is extremely useful, especially since you pay for it once and can then use it with as many of your students as you like.
Book Number 2:
Past Perfect Progressive Stories and Exercises

87 pages of rules, useful tables, stories, and exercises for the past perfect progressive tense.
This unique book contains:
- Past perfect progressive rules and tables (positive sentences, negative sentences, questions, regular and irregular verbs, and correct usage).
- Past perfect progressive grammar exercises to practice correct usage and when to use this tense.
- Past perfect progressive rules exercises to practice correct sentence structure as well as correct verb spelling.
- Exercises on regular and irregular verbs.
- Five special short stories with illustrations, written mainly in the past perfect progressive tense.
That way the student and teacher can concentrate on reading and practicing this tense specifically. - Special exercises before and after every story to practice story vocabulary, sentence structure, past perfect progressive grammar rules, comprehension, and writing skills.
- Everything is delivered using a special step-by-step approach for maximum teaching results.
Book Number 3:
Future Perfect Progressive Stories and Exercises

This unique book contains:
- Future perfect progressive rules and tables (positive sentences, negative sentences, questions, special verbs, and correct usage).
- Future perfect progressive rules exercises to practice correct sentence structure.
- Five special short stories with illustrations, written mainly in the future perfect progressive tense.
That way the student and teacher can concentrate on reading and practicing this tense specifically. - Special exercises before and after every story to practice story vocabulary, sentence structure, future perfect progressive grammar rules, comprehension, and writing skills.
- Everything is delivered using a special step-by-step approach for maximum teaching results.
Book Number 4:
Perfect Progressive Tenses Mixed Stories and Exercises

69 pages of rules, useful tables, stories, and exercises for all the perfect progressive tenses mixed together: present perfect progressive, past perfect progressive, and future perfect progressive.
This unique book contains:
- A summary and review of all the main rules (positive sentences, negative sentences, questions, special verbs, and correct usage).
- Five special short stories with illustrations, written mainly in the perfect progressive tenses.
That way the student and teacher can concentrate on reading and practicing these tenses specifically. - Special exercises before and after every story to practice story vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar rules, comprehension, and writing skills.
- Everything is delivered using a special step-by-step approach for maximum teaching results.
Important: to use this series (Stories and Exercises to Practice the Perfect Progressive Tenses), students should already be familiar with the simple, progressive, and perfect tenses. If your students don't know the basic tenses yet, please work with them on these resources first:
- Stories and Exercises to Practice the Simple Tenses
- Stories and Exercises to Practice the Progressive (Continuous) Tenses
- Stories and Exercises to Practice the Perfect Tenses
Book Number 5:
Practice Speaking English with English Grammar Dialogues – the Perfect Progressive Tenses
46 pages of illustrated dialogues. These dialogues practice the perfect progressive tenses using common everyday situations. There are twenty dialogues altogether.
There are five dialogues for each of the perfect progressive tenses. Each dialogue focuses on only one specific tense. There are also five dialogues for all the perfect progressive tenses mixed together.
You can use these dialogues together with the "English Grammar Stories and Exercises, the Perfect Progressive Tenses Series" for even better results with your students.
Each dialogue has two characters in a different everyday situation.
Practice reading them aloud with your students as a real dialogue to improve their confidence and fluency in grammar as well as in speech.
How to Use the Dialogues
Use the dialogues to practice the perfect progressive tenses and speaking English.
It is important to read the dialogues aloud.
The special thing about these dialogues is that they only focus on one main tense per dialogue. Moreover, there are five dialogues for every tense. That way the student can practice each tense to perfection.
After reading, encourage a conversation on the topic using the same tense.
Book Number 6:
Perfect vs Perfect Progressive Comparison Book
48 pages of rules, examples and different kinds of exercises to fully explain and practice to perfection the difference between the perfect tenses and the perfect progressive tenses.
- Present perfect vs. present perfect progressive (with and without time expressions)
- Past perfect vs. past perfect progressive (with and without time expressions)
- Future perfect vs. future perfect progressive (with and without time expressions)
- The core difference between these two tenses
Click on the Button to the Right to Buy the Entire Series at a Discounted Price and Get the Bonuses (English Grammar Dialogues + the Perfect vs Perfect Progressive Complete Comparison Book).
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