Helping Verbs Worksheet

Before you practice using this worksheet, be sure to review the article on helping or auxiliary verbs on our website.

Exercise A

Choose the correct helping verb to properly complete each sentence.


The saxophone player

The saxophone player __________ performing a solo.

a) could
b) has
c) will
d) is


ice cream

___________ you hold this other ice cream cone for me?

a) Are
b) Can
c) Were
d) Does


the weather is hot today

If the weather is hot today, we ___________ play in the river.

a) were
b) have
c) will
d) are



Steve ___________ dressed as a cowboy every Halloween since he was a child.

a) has
b) would
c) should
d) is



__________ Tania like the dress you gave her for her birthday?

a) Was
b) Has
c) Did
d) Do


the chemistry lab

We ___________ have a small problem in the chemistry lab!

a) did
b) were
c) have
d) might


the tiger

When our jeep came close, the tiger looked like it ___________ woken up from a nap recently.

a) had
b) has
c) did
d) was


a sweater

You look cold! __________ you like to borrow a sweater? I have lots of them.

a) Have
b) Would
c) Do
d) Are


I did not break the window!

I did not break the window! Bobby and I __________ reading a book together very quietly in the living room.

a) had
b) did
c) could
d) were


a golf ball

Look! Your golf ball _________ not moved more than a few centimeters!

a) is
b) has
c) can
d) will

Exercise B

Match the answers below with the questions in each exercise. Also circle the helping verbs in each exercise and answer.

a) Yes, I am going to put on a more formal outfit.
b) Yolanda was also here! She might have taken the cookies.
c) I think so! You should always try to be a better person.
d) Yes, her foot got caught in some of the plants.
e) She is practicing because she will perform in a concert this Friday evening.
f) They will go to a park and have a special picnic with birthday cake.
g) They came to work, but they did not finish. They will come back tomorrow.
h) Yes! They can become the color of the things around them.
i) Yes, I think we did not set it up correctly.
j) No, she has also won two games.



Did Cathy have any problems while she was working in the garden this morning?



How will the family celebrate Augustine's birthday this year?

How will the family celebrate Augustine's birthday this year?



Who else could have eaten the last cookie?

Who else could have eaten the last cookie? You did it!



Do you think there might be something wrong with the tent?

Do you think there might be something wrong with the tent?



Did the men from the carpet company come to the house to work today?

Did the men from the carpet company come to the house to work today?



Are you going to change your clothes before your interview?

Are you going to change your clothes before your interview?



Can chameleons really change the color of their skin?

Can chameleons really change the color of their skin?



Has Paul won all of the chess games against Andrea?

Has Paul won all of the chess games against Andrea?



Why is Millie practicing that song so much?

Why is Millie practicing that song so much?



Should you try to improve how you work and live every day?

Should you try to improve how you work and live every day?


Exercise C

Each exercise has an answer. Write the question to get that answer using the proper helping verb and one of the question words (who, what, when, where, why, how).


I talked to Eric about the confidential report.


I talked to Eric about the confidential report.


They cried when they realized there was no more ice cream.


They cried when they realized there was no more ice cream.


He has been looking at the sky because he wants it to snow.


He has been looking at the sky because he wants it to snow.


She has had a great idea to plan a surprise party for her best friend.


She has had a great idea to plan a surprise party for her best friend.


We will go to the forest for our vacation! We can see lots of animals there.


We will go to the forest for our vacation! We can see lots of animals there.


The bird started to sing about five minutes ago.


The bird started to sing about five minutes ago.


You can get that gum out of your hair with ice.


You can get that gum out of your hair with ice.


I am smiling because I am thinking about my favorite toy!


I am smiling because I am thinking about my favorite toy!


The lady in the red dress will say that she is very happy to see everyone.


The lady in the red dress will say that she is very happy to see everyone.


Bob was looking for a job this morning.


Bob was looking for a job this morning.