Coordinating Conjunctions Worksheet

Before you practice using this worksheet, be sure to review the article on coordinating conjunctions on our website.

Exercise A

Choose the correct coordinating conjunction so that the sentence makes sense.


Nora is wearing a blue dress, blue shoes, _______ a blue hat.

a) yet
b) but
c) and
d) nor


Matthew does not know the answer, ________ do Elliot or Rachel.

a) but
b) yet
c) for
d) nor


Ryan's mother does not want him to jump on his beach ball, _______ he does it anyway.

a) for
b) but
c) or
d) nor


Nicholas went outside during the snow storm, _______ he feels cold now.

a) yet
b) so
c) nor
d) but


Paul recycles, _______ not everyone does it!

a) for
b) and
c) but
d) nor


Reginald loves chocolate! He only eats it occasionally, _______ he knows too much is not good for his health.

a) but
b) yet
c) and
d) for


Harry is looking at a map of the city. He might be in the north ______ he might be in the south!

a) or
b) nor
c) yet
d) for


Jimmy brought gifts for his date. He brought flowers ______ chocolates.

a) but
b) for
c) yet
d) and


When he finishes his doctorate, Allan wants to work in a research company _____ a university.

a) yet
b) or
c) but
d) for


Bob does not know much about flying, ______ does he feel very sure about his plan to tie a rocket to his back!

a) but
b) yet
c) or
d) nor

Exercise B

Match the parts of sentences below with the parts of sentences in each question. You should have complete sentences that make sense.

a) or maybe she will stay at home and read a book.
b) and adventure of a pirate's life!
c) but she knows she will think of one soon!
d) nor does he have a map or a compass to help him.
e) or give her flowers for her birthday?
f) for he has spent a lot of time studying and reading about it.
g) but she did not hit it with even one of the darts.
h) so he will stop playing his trumpet soon.
i) and exercise at the same time!
j) yet she has bought herself a very expensive camera!


Lola does not have a good idea now, ___________


Maybe Doris will go to the movies, ___________


Derek has almost finished the song, ___________


Caroline has no experience with photography, ___________


Eric does not know where he is, ___________


Liam understands a lot about biology, ___________


David tries to write emails, talk on the phone, ___________


Should we make Mom a card ___________


She wanted to hit the center of the target, ___________


Beatrice likes the idea of the freedom ___________

Exercise C

For each exercise, there is one incomplete sentence or two complete sentences and a coordinating conjunction in parentheses. Use that coordinating conjunction to write one complete sentence.


Rod must deliver three pizzas very quickly. The customers are waiting. (for) 



Nick wants to jump into the pool. He feels a little bit nervous. (but)



Betty likes juggling, acrobatics, pogo sticks. (and)



Grandma's camera is not digital. It takes very nice pictures. (yet)



Manny did not do any work today. He does not plan to. (nor)



Maybe Peter will take that interesting rock home. Maybe he will leave it on the ground. (or)



Phil has that special smile on his face. I am sure he has a plan. (so)



The machine can shred documents envelopes. (or)



The semester is over. The professor looks very ready for his vacation! (and)



I know more about this topic. I will teach you today. (so)
